- The idea is that before we observe 20 flips of a coin
- and if we think of 17 heads and 3 tails as a possible outcome
- then exchangeablility means that we don't think of the positions that the 3 heads can occupy as being special
Stanford University, Spring 2016, STATS 205
This means: \[ X_1,\dots,X_n \text{ are exchangeable for all $n$ } \Leftarrow \begin{cases} X_1,\dots,X_n \, \big| \, \theta \text{ i.i.d. } \\ \theta \sim p(\theta) \end{cases} \]
Write bible as two-dimensional array of letters ignoring spaces
Source: Witztum, Rips, and Rosenberg (1994)
Source: Das, Avants, Grossman, and Gee (2009). Registration based cortical thickness measurement
Split the data in two groups: autistic (1) and healthy participants (2)
PaInfo <- read.csv("Phenotypic_V1_0b_preprocessed1.csv", header=TRUE) copiedFilesInd = PaInfo$FILE_ID %in% substr(fileNames,1,16) copiedFilesGroup = PaInfo$DX_GROUP[copiedFilesInd] ThicknessAutistic = brainMatrix[copiedFilesGroup==1,mask==1] ThicknessHealthy = brainMatrix[copiedFilesGroup==2,mask==1]
Peform voxelwise nonparametric test Wilcoxon two-sample rank test
uncorrectedPValues = sapply(1:dim(ThicknessAutistic)[2], function(i) wilcox.test(ThicknessAutistic[,i], ThicknessHealthy[,i], alternative = "two.sided")$p.value)