Group-specific fixed effects model

  group = "donor",
  cell_n_min = Inf,
  cell_n_subsample = 0



Data frame or tibble with proteins counts, cell condition, and group information


A vector of column names of protein to use in the analysis


The column name of the condition variable


The column name of the group variable


Remove samples that are below this cell counts threshold


Subsample samples to have this maximum cell count


A list of class cytoglm containing


speedglm object


possibly subsampled df_samples_subset table


input protein names


input condition variable


input group names


input cell_n_min


input cell_n_subsample


df <- generate_data()
protein_names <- names(df)[3:12]
df <- dplyr::mutate_at(df, protein_names, function(x) asinh(x/5))
group_fit <- CytoGLMM::cytogroup(df,
                                 protein_names = protein_names,
                                 condition = "condition",
                                 group = "donor")
#> Warning: `as.tibble()` was deprecated in tibble 2.0.0.
#> Please use `as_tibble()` instead.
#> The signature and semantics have changed, see `?as_tibble`.
#> This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
#> Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was generated.
#> $groupfit
#> Generalized Linear Model of class 'speedglm':
#> Call:  speedglm(formula = formula_str, data = df_samples_subset, family = binomial()) 
#> Coefficients:
#> (Intercept)          m01          m02          m03          m04          m05  
#>  -9.090e-01    8.698e-02    1.545e-01    7.363e-02   -5.642e-03    1.077e-02  
#>         m06          m07          m08          m09          m10           X1  
#>   2.152e-03    4.735e-02    4.610e-02   -1.773e-04    2.919e-02    1.016e+00  
#>          X2           X3           X4           X5           X6           X7  
#>   3.993e-01    6.928e-01    5.071e-01    7.220e-01    1.251e-01    4.852e-01  
#>          X8       m01:X1       m01:X2       m01:X3       m01:X4       m01:X5  
#>          NA    1.843e-01   -4.158e-02   -5.075e-03   -1.402e-02   -9.011e-02  
#>      m01:X6       m01:X7       m01:X8       m02:X1       m02:X2       m02:X3  
#>  -2.758e-03   -7.174e-02           NA   -1.089e-01   -9.177e-02   -1.093e-01  
#>      m02:X4       m02:X5       m02:X6       m02:X7       m02:X8       m03:X1  
#>  -1.058e-01   -1.124e-01   -7.804e-02   -4.882e-02           NA    2.120e-02  
#>      m03:X2       m03:X3       m03:X4       m03:X5       m03:X6       m03:X7  
#>   1.178e-01   -1.858e-02    4.345e-03   -4.760e-02    3.601e-02    3.170e-02  
#>      m03:X8       m04:X1       m04:X2       m04:X3       m04:X4       m04:X5  
#>          NA   -8.086e-02    1.334e-02    3.134e-02   -5.542e-02    2.500e-02  
#>      m04:X6       m04:X7       m04:X8       m05:X1       m05:X2       m05:X3  
#>   3.327e-02   -8.551e-03           NA    1.530e-02   -4.858e-02   -1.451e-02  
#>      m05:X4       m05:X5       m05:X6       m05:X7       m05:X8       m06:X1  
#>   1.958e-03    3.823e-02   -5.835e-02    2.097e-03           NA   -8.318e-02  
#>      m06:X2       m06:X3       m06:X4       m06:X5       m06:X6       m06:X7  
#>   1.141e-01   -4.265e-02   -3.411e-02   -1.946e-02   -5.368e-02   -6.319e-02  
#>      m06:X8       m07:X1       m07:X2       m07:X3       m07:X4       m07:X5  
#>          NA   -1.102e-01   -1.820e-02   -8.430e-02   -3.744e-02   -1.059e-01  
#>      m07:X6       m07:X7       m07:X8       m08:X1       m08:X2       m08:X3  
#>  -3.105e-03   -1.263e-02           NA   -9.409e-02   -9.344e-02   -3.130e-02  
#>      m08:X4       m08:X5       m08:X6       m08:X7       m08:X8       m09:X1  
#>   3.927e-03   -4.415e-03   -5.756e-02   -6.987e-05           NA    6.399e-02  
#>      m09:X2       m09:X3       m09:X4       m09:X5       m09:X6       m09:X7  
#>  -5.561e-02   -3.413e-02   -4.475e-03   -7.922e-03   -1.096e-02   -1.039e-02  
#>      m09:X8       m10:X1       m10:X2       m10:X3       m10:X4       m10:X5  
#>          NA   -6.815e-02    2.977e-02   -4.956e-02   -3.438e-02   -1.950e-02  
#>      m10:X6       m10:X7       m10:X8  
#>   3.076e-02   -1.028e-01           NA  
#> $df_samples_subset
#> # A tibble: 16,000 × 20
#>    donor condition   m01   m02   m03   m04   m05   m06   m07   m08   m09   m10
#>    <fct> <fct>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 1     treatment 0.390  3.93  3.84 1.94   1.94 1.94   3.11 3.18  1.14   3.44
#>  2 1     treatment 0      3.65  3.07 2.46   4.21 2.56   2.75 1.53  2.05   3.09
#>  3 1     treatment 0.199  1.75  3.04 4.29   2.35 1.61   1.14 1.02  2.70   4.70
#>  4 1     treatment 1.02   2.09  2.62 2.14   2.82 0.569  2.49 2.05  1.14   3.30
#>  5 1     treatment 1.99   2.49  1.82 4.02   2.19 0.733  1.44 0.881 2.56   2.05
#>  6 1     treatment 0.199  1.94  2.73 4.10   1.75 0.881  2.35 2.46  2.35   3.50
#>  7 1     treatment 2.27   4.27  1.44 1.25   5.29 2.14   2.35 2.59  1.25   2.35
#>  8 1     treatment 0.199  3.50  1.88 3.16   3.53 0.390  1.53 2.42  1.53   2.42
#>  9 1     treatment 0.390  2.27  2.96 1.68   2.39 1.94   3.02 4.35  2.42   4.50
#> 10 1     treatment 0.390  2.75  1.68 0.733  2.67 2.42   2.75 3.73  0.199  3.18
#> # … with 15,990 more rows, and 8 more variables: X1 <dbl>, X2 <dbl>, X3 <dbl>,
#> #   X4 <dbl>, X5 <dbl>, X6 <dbl>, X7 <dbl>, X8 <dbl>
#> $protein_names
#>  [1] "m01" "m02" "m03" "m04" "m05" "m06" "m07" "m08" "m09" "m10"
#> $condition
#> [1] "condition"
#> $group
#> [1] "donor"
#> $cell_n_min
#> [1] Inf
#> $cell_n_subsample
#> [1] 0
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "cytogroup"